Maintenance Tips for a Decorative Concrete Floor2017-09-19T14:41:37-04:00

Maintenance Tips for a Decorative Concrete Floor

If you have installed a decorative concrete floor in your home or business, you want to take steps to keep it looking as shiny and beautiful as possible. Here are some maintenance tips for decorative concrete floors.

The most important thing is to dust mop your concrete floor regularly. This will prevent dirt and sand from building up and damaging the finish, sealer, or stain. Dust mopping will also remove dust that can cause health problems, such as allergies. You can use any sweeping or vacuuming tool, but an 18-inch or 36-inch microfiber dust mop is best because it creates static electricity to pick up debris. Be sure that your dust mop has not been treated with any oils, silicones, or cleaners, and shake it out from time to time to prevent scratches.

You should also use a damp mop to remove any dirt or spills from your concrete floor. Use a cleaner with a neutral pH diluted with cool water. Most neutral products will not require rinsing, unless you are re-coating the floor with a new finish. Do not use a Swiffer Wet-Jet, bleach, ammonia, Pine Sol, or heavy detergent. Do not allow the cleaning solution to get too dirty or form puddles. It is best to use a loop end wet mop with a cotton/rayon blend or microfiber or a microfiber flat mop.

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You may need to recoat your decorative concrete floor from time to time if it becomes scratched from foot traffic, children, pets, furniture, or other objects. Use a commercial grade floor finish from a janitorial supply company. Use a garden sprinkling can to pour it on the floor and then spread it with a lambswool applicator or loop end mop in thin, uniform coats. Loop end mops used to apply concrete floor finish are made of a finer fiber than those used for damp mopping. The finish should dry in about 30 minutes. You may want to apply a second coat. If your floor has a scoring pattern, do not allow the finish to settle into the cuts. You can also recoat your decorative concrete floor by spray buffing, which combines damp mopping and recoating using a finish with detergent.

Do not place anything with plastic on the bottom on top of your concrete floor because this can bond with the finish and remove it if you move the object. Use felt-bottomed furniture pads or high-quality rubber based on nitrile. Be careful with runoff water from plants that may contain biological material or plant food. Never apply any tape to your floor because it will remove the sealer.

Place mats near the exterior doors of your home or business. Use rope, hemp, or heavy absorbent fabric mats outside and more dense fabricated mats, such as shag carpet, inside. The mats should have solid backings with quality rubber or vinyl. Use at least 15 feet of matting for high traffic entryways.

Contact us today to arrange a complimentary design consultation, and let us transform your concrete into a work of art.

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