Advantages of Polished Concrete Flooring for Your Business2019-03-08T10:30:43-05:00

Advantages of Polished Concrete Flooring for Your Business


Business owners are always looking for ways to lower costs, keep productivity up, and attract and retain customers. When it comes to the flooring at a business, appearance, and functionality are both essential. The floor needs to look good, resist wear and tear, and require relatively little maintenance. Polished concrete flooring is durable and easy to maintain and offers an attractive appearance that is sure to impress customers.

How Polished Concrete Compares to Other Flooring Materials

Since the slab on grade is used as the finished flooring surface, other floor covering materials, such as carpet or tile, are not needed. A polished concrete floor will not trap dirt, dust, or allergens the way carpet can, making it a healthier option. Because concrete is able to breathe, moisture is not a problem the way it could be with other flooring choices, such as carpet or tile. That can prevent problems related to mold and mildew.

A polished concrete floor is easier and less expensive to maintain than other types of flooring. In many businesses, heavy foot traffic is a concern since it can gradually dull the surface of the floor. Frequent waxing is often required to maintain a floor’s appearance.

concrete floor reception area

These types of floors can also resist wear and tear not only from people walking but also from heavy machineries, such as forklifts. Waxing is not needed, which means maintenance staff will have plenty of time to devote to other priorities. The surface of a polished concrete floor only needs to be cleaned with a damp mop.

The other great thing about polished concrete flooring is that it has an aesthetically pleasing appearance. It reflects light and has a bright and clean look that can make a business seem inviting to customers and can also reduce the need for artificial lighting, thus leading to lower utility bills.

The process of polishing concrete requires several steps. That means business owners can decide how much they want the surface to shine and reflect light based on the characteristics of the business and the image they want to project.

Explore Polished Concrete Flooring Options for Your Business

A polished concrete floor is an excellent choice for businesses that see large amounts of foot traffic, such as retail stores, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, warehouses, and car dealerships. With its combination of durability, attractiveness, and easy maintenance, polished concrete flooring is becoming the choice of more and more business owners who recognize its overwhelming advantages. Elite Concrete Systems can install a beautiful polished concrete floor at your business that can save you time and money and impress your customers.

Contact us today to discuss your options and to get a quote!

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